Well every spring I need to refresh on some critters.
Warblers for example are just hard to sort out from year to year
without pre-migration practice.
Maybe I am just too tired, but I can not place this songbird that is
the main singer. Sounds like it should be easy. Bushes were full of
Song Sparrows. But I don't think it is a Song Sparrow. This is early
duck migration and I expect the ducks will be going great next week.
If no one is sure that is ok I will catch up on it soon enough in
searching. Enjoy the 700kb download if you like wetlands.
This lone songbird moved into this northern WI wetland and out again
in less than 5 mins.
Pardon the narrow stereo as I was setup for rain and wind.
Seen species list at the mic over a 10 min period, not spell checked,
from this morning in no real order: Bald Eagle, Northern Harrier,
Trumpeter Swan, Mallard Duck, Canada Goose, Hooded Merganser,
Ring-necked Duck, Wood Duck, Song Sparrow, Slate-colored Junco,
Sandhill Crane, American Crow, Red-winged Blackbird. The rest I will
have to id by sound only.
ps figured out the firewire card, it died.