Posted by: "David Martin"
> Maybe simply using cable ties to bundle cables would be better for quietn=
This would give you creaking as the cables moved against each other
inside the ties. And the hard surface of the cable will make noise when
it brushes against things.
> I've used Kevlar mesh gloves. They were flexible, but I never
> thought of them as soft. The Kevlar fiber was pretty coarse,
> however. I'm going to order some plastic mesh tubing and
> experiment. I'll let you know what I find.
I have some kevlar arm protectors for welding and they are pretty soft.
But it's true kevlar is not the softest material.
The kevlar mesh tube I have seems to be made out of either foamed or
tubular kevlar fibers. I did not think it would work all that well as it
does not feel that soft, but it does. However, I've only used it in
short Y's a few inches long, might not work at longer lengths. And,
except for that one ebay auction where I got it I've never seen it around.
The boot laces were a pretty obvious source, and available for a while
in several colors. They are probably still around somewhere, just not in
the stores I shop in. Their braid is softer than the kernmantel rope
that was suggested.
It's all experiment, whatever works.