"Bruce Wilson" wrote:
> For practical preamps...the noise limit
> seems to be about -125 dBu...
That matches the manufacturers' ratings of the
noise floor in the pocketable preamps I've been
looking at:
Sound Professionals SP-Preamp ($180)..... -126 dBu
Sound Devices MP-1 ($300) ............... -126 dBu
Glensound GS-MCA001 ($440) .............. -127 dBu
Sound Devices MixPre ($670) ............. -126 dBu
Aerco MP2 ($750) ........................ -116 dBu
Wendt X3 ($875) ......................... -130 dBu
It seems likely that none of these devices will
contribute audible noise to a recording made under
typical field conditions.
Three manufacturers don't specify the dB scale,
so these figures may not be directly comparable:
Chris Church ST-9000 ($150)............. -125 dB
Felmicamps Battery ($200) ............... -120 dB
Sonosax SX-M2 ($1100) ................... -129 dB
Chances are these preamps will be very quiet, too.