> I've loaded a tui call (new zealand native bird) on my page that can
> be used as a message alert on your cellphone. (42kb download mp3)
> Please download and enjoy , It's funny watching peoples reactions
> when you get a message as it's a crazy sounding bird...
Thanks Grant. I have a Tui call as my cell phone ringer as well. I tried
using a Bellbird, but it was a bit to bizarre. I really liked a
Mockingbird song that I have, but because I have Mockingbirds in the
area, I found that I did not react to my own phone. My wife uses a
Tassie Golden Whistler for her phone ringer.
You're also right about people's reactions to the ringer, but I have yet
to get a negative reaction to the bird ring. A regular cell phone ring
or that darn electronic Greensleeves and half the people are reaching
for their phone and the other half are looking at you like who is that
idiot with the cell phone. With the birds, people look around or outside
and many smile when they realize it is my phone. Birds just make people
smile and that's far better than the glaring looks you get otherwise.
Your Tui is great. Nice and clear and an interesting part of the song.
For the cell phone though, I would have preferred a slightly longer
recording and slight fade and break at the end before the cell would
start to loop the sound. Is there more to the ail end of that recording?