> it's also on
> http://www.harrisphotography.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Bird002.mp3
> I go for Great Tit - but ease off on the LF cutoff. Most UK birds seem
> to have some energy down to 500. There's a strange nasalityand overtone
> in the first bar, but I assume that is the mp3-ization
Sorry guys - http://tinyurl.com/hosk2 : it worked the first time, but
many thanks to SW for correcting it and the agreed ID of Gt Tit.
Yes, I noticed the weird clucking sound right at the start, but I
think it's a female pheasant lurking in the undergrowth !
AS for LF cutoff, I used Cool Edit Pro to check the spectral analysis,
and there really wasn't much below 2kHz. I wouldnt normally cut off so
high, but it seemed OK in this instance.
I've also noticed that MP3s automatically cutoff at 16kHz anyway -
which is why I'm doing all of my pre MP3 work in WAV format.