Roger Norwood said:
> A lot of the folk on this list seem to rely on digital plug-ins for post =
production. I still
>mostly use analogue for final mastering, preferring to use the ear-brain-f=
inger response,
>rather than automated preset values. My mixer has all the knobs I need for=
instant gain &
>eq manipulation and I can quickly vary the response as required. A-to-D an=
d back in
>post just adds potential problems where my own responses straight through =
the desk
>work as I require.
I agree that all the numerical specificity and seeing edits and waveforms v=
isually can really
distract the direct ear/brain assessment of audio material. It's something=
I struggle with
constantly and I always try to look away from my screen to judge things whe=
never I can. If
it can be said that there is a drawback to the proliferation of all this am=
azing digital
technology for working with sounds, this would be it. But alas, we work mo=
st efficiently as
visual drastically reduces time as a limiting factor.