Survey question: Density-Gross Numbers in Maryland 2006
in Maryland, Bernie, creature diversity ( & numbers ) are both down dramati=
cally in 2006 vs 2005, and 2004 which had much wetter springs.
we had a record drought this year during baby raising season ( Spring, eary=
summer ) here in Maryland. I'm noticing much less bird family noise densit=
y and variety of species way down as well. I am not seeing species like nu=
thatches, titmice, chickadees like normal. Yellow-billed Cuckoos are way ra=
rer this year. i know they like watery areas.
the bald eagle family could not pull off a nest this year in BARC ( Beltsvi=
lle, MD ) but that could be because their old nest blew down. overall we ha=
d record bald eagles in january 06 around here, leading me to think we are =
heavy on the predators and lighter on the game speicies...., maybe, perhaps=
Bernie, I ambient record in Maryland 40-70 nights per year in Maryland sinc=
e 2002, and this year is way different, quieter than 2005, 2004. It feels l=
ike a stressed environment ( dry, less food ) with much less baby raising g=
oing on?.
We are even having oak acorns drop already and they normally drop in august=
. the acorns are much smaller and crush very easily-very dry. I broke thick=
branches off a Loblolly Pine here in Takoma Park, and they cracked right o=
ff. no sap, not hard, just snapped off pretty easily. Even though we've had=
big rains, we've had very dry long spells in 2006.
I sense a weary, grouchy ( in behavior, calls ) fauna. Our lows are treadin=
g record highs this year too-i'm starting to see deer feed in the late morn=
ing where i never did before.
i suspect u are noticing something as well.
rip lyttle, takoma park, md-ready to be used for the right field recording =
project! !!
From: Wild Sanctuary
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 11:49 AM
Subject: [Nature Recordists] Survey question for the group
For those primarily recording the soundscapes of entire habitats
(biophonies) in the Northern Hemisphere: Has anyone noticed changes
this year in
(1) creature voice density, and/or
(2) creature diversity?
By "density" I mean gross numbers recorded. By "diversity" I mean
different species recorded.
I'm especially interested in same sites where recordists go year after ye=
Any observations would be appreciated. I'll share my impressions, also, b=
ut later.
Bernie Krause