If any of you are interested, I have some thunder recordings that I
made a couple years ago posted here:
That's the longest of the series. There are a few single thunder claps
that I posted on that site too.
I recorded this using the AT822 and a minidisc recorder since my other
rig had been rented out at the time (Deva & MKHs). I had to stop the
recording and adjust the gain often as the storm approached and
receded, that's why I don't have any really long stretches of
the storm, but I was pleased with how this recording turned out.
I recently recorded another cracking storm using an SD702 and a Sanken
CSS5, and while the dynamic range was greater, it didn't have the same
kick as the minidisc recordings.
So while the AT822 gets a lot of bad press in this group, I'd argue
that having a less than ideal mic and recorder on hand is better than
having a fantastic setup somewhere else.