I've seen an Access database that did most of this, but it was for plants
and herbarium management only. Index Kentuckiensis was it's name, made by a=
old coot called Charlie Lapham. Great programming. To deal with .bwf and
.wav you'd probably need an activeX DLL.
Do .bwf editors handle time when you edit out a part? If you do a three hou=
recording starting at 5:00 am, and the call you want is 2.5 hours in, if yo=
edit that segment out and save it will the editor make the time tags
correctly? If not then you will read sloppy data from the headers.
I've written a website for a herbarium that does a lot of mapping and
weather (http://herbarium.uvsc.edu), and the thing I need to build next is =
way to handle taxonomic synonyms. That is such tricky business. I don't kno=
of a synonym list for plants, nor animals. Maybe mammals. I have yet to see=
a well-implemented method for keeping track of species when the taxon is
messed with (split, reassigned, augmented, or just plain changed).
In the herbarium there is the idea of vouchers. A voucher is the physical
specimen you bring home to make sure what you thought it was in the field
was correct. You'd never think of publishing without vouchers for all
species named. Are there any such things as vouchers in bird recording? Doe=
a picture count?
Bruce Wilson KF7K