From: "Greg Weddig"
> I might have a few extra days in the central Florida area in a couple
> of weeks. Are there any particularly good recording spots I should
> check out within an hour or two of Orlando? I suspect the area is
> overrun with air-traffic but what area isn't.
Ocala NF is N of there, fairly large, and supposed to have a lot of good
stuff. Supposed to be especially good for gopher frogs, but it's likely
late for them, pig frogs more likely now. The weather down there has
also been drier than normal. I've not been there yet, so don't know
recording conditions, probably will be in Florida in July. I have to
record calls of the Cuban Treefrog, Georgia's latest addition to their
frog list (and unwanted):
The photos are of one of the two found in the Savannah area last fall.
Should you hear any Cuban Treefrogs in your trip let me know. I'm
waiting for confirmation they have started calling from several folks
down there before making the trip. They somewhat prefer urban to rural
areas, something we believe to be from their poor cold tolerance. Only
online recording of them (poor quality) I know of is here: