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Raven and Broadcast Wave Files

Subject: Raven and Broadcast Wave Files
From: "Lindsay Cargill"
Date: Tue May 23, 2006 7:05am(PDT)
I am finally about to take the plunge and get a HD-P2. I will want to
import the audio files directly in to Raven / Raven Lite to analyse
sonograms. The Tascam saves flies as .bwf (broadcast wave file) which
I presume are just normal .wav's with extra meta data extensions for
sync'ing etc ? Will these BWF's open ok in Raven eg. as WAV files or
am I likely to have problems/get errors ? Cornell site seems to be
down at the mo so can't contact them to ask. Any experience of Raven
users most welcome.

If there is a prob looks like it will be the PMD671 !



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