Thanks, Oryoki. We are all very grateful. They do take credit cards
but emailing the info is not recommended. Here are the Murie Center
phone/fax numbers where they'll take that information by phone. T:
307-739-2246 F: 307-739-0208. Talk with Jamie Reilly.
> > support this effort with contributions...
>Done. I encourage everyone to support this vitally
>important project.
>Bernie, you should encourage the Murie Center
>to install a link to Paypal so people can make
>contributions more quickly and easily. Sending
>one's credit card number in an email message
>is insecure (and sending a check is hella old).
>"Microphones are not ears,
>Loudspeakers are not birds,
>A listening room is not nature."
>Klas Strandberg
>Yahoo! Groups Links
Wild Sanctuary
P. O. Box 536
Glen Ellen, CA 95442
t. 707-996-6677
f. 707-996-0280
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]