Julius Thyssen wrote:
As the Whittaker-Nyquist-Kotelnikov-Shannon sampling theorem states;
When sampling a band-limited signal (e.g., converting from an
analogue signal to digital), the sampling frequency must be
greater than twice the input signal bandwidth in order to be able
to reconstruct the original perfectly from the sampled version.
I'm not sure I understand this here Nyquist limit. Wouldn't the sampling
frequency have to be _much_ greater than twice the highest frequency being
recorded? F'rinstance, say you want to record a 22.05KHz sine wave. The bes=
you could do with a 44.1KHz sample rate is a 22.05KHz square wave,
regardless of bit depth. The quantitative frequency would be present, but i=
a considerably altered shape. Seems like the minimum sample rate would have
to be, oh, say, 5,644.8KHz.
-- Don