I use the Sennheiser HD 280 pros and think they're great. Very
comfortable, the right ear clearance and they're only $100. When I
need to hear live sound I just use the old studio trick of removing
one can.=20
--- In Mike Feldman
<> wrote:
> Gianni Pavan wrote:
> > I'm willing to buy an headphone to be primarily used in the field to
> > monitor while recording. In my opinion the headphone should not
> > completely isolate from the external sound...
> >
> > I'm willing to get your hints....
> One hint is that if you're going to use open-back, non-isolating
> headphones, then you better have long mics cables and keep the
> phones away from the mics, or the feedback will zap your ears.
> For open backs the Sennheisers are defacto standard. I wound't
> take my HD-600s outside, but some of the similar cheaper models
> are nice.
> But if you want to actually hear the signal rather than the
> environment, in ear monitors are the way to go --
> Etymotics or Shure. The pro-grade over-ear closed phones
> are easier to put on and take off and are more comfortable,
> eg. Senn HD-280 Pro.
> -- Mike