Thanks for tipping!
No worries, I have no interest (commercial) in the machine.
But I haven't had the opportunity to check the noise really carefully yet.
It has been quite windy all day and all the noise from the leaves go
through the walls.
But so far I haven't heard any other noise than the typical Telinga noise.
Even if the gain of the Microtrack might be a bit (too) low, it doesn't
mean that it adds noise.
At 03:11 2005-10-28, you wrote:
>Hi Klas,
> Oryoki provided these links to battery sleds for USB powered devices
>awhile back. I think it is a brilliant method for extending the battery life
>on the MT .
> In your opinion, concerning noise floor, if you provided the line in of
>the MT with line levels from a preamp do you think we could be taking
>advantage of the full potential of having 24/96? Excuse me if this question
>runs against your interests in the unit.
> Best,
> Mark
>USB power from four AA batteries $3
>USB power from AA batteries plus adapters for other
>low power devices like cell phone, PDA $17
>USB power plus AA recharger in one portable unit $22
>3600 mAh Lithium-Ion battery with USB $30
> On 10/28/05, Klas Strandberg <> wrote:
> >
> > The PRO6 handle works just fine, with another cable than the XLR's. With
> > full gain and the extra 27db boost, you get well enough signal under
> > "normal" distances. (The bird close enough to give a good recording).
> > The PRO5W works into the mini-jack connection, but I cannot say (yet) if
> > the gain is sufficient. Hopefully I will have a bunch of Wagtails (?) here
> >
> > tomorrow. Then I will know better.
> >
> > The gear is really nice to hold and maneuver, but I can just barely
> > accept:
> >
> > 1/ The firmware load takes about 15 seconds. I mean, you really try to
> > switch it off after every recording to save batteries, but then you have
> > to
> > wait those seconds while restarting again. I know for sure that such a
> > waiting can be very stressing!
> >
> > 2/ There is no "stand by" listening. You can only monitor the signal while
> >
> > recording. Then delete the recording. As far as I understand it, this
> > means
> > a terrible waist of battery for nothing.
> > Right??
> >
> > 3/ I have still not found out from the web how to deal with this gear when
> >
> > the battery is empty out there, in the bush. Is it possible to drive it
> > from an external battery via the USB??
> >
> > Can anyone figure out?
> >
> > Klas.
> >
> >
> >
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>"Microphones are not ears,
>Loudspeakers are not birds,
>A listening room is not nature."
>Klas Strandberg
>Yahoo! Groups Links
Telinga Microphones, Botarbo,
S-748 96 Tobo, Sweden.
Phone & fax int + 295 310 01