Yes.. it can be powered in the field using +5 v in thru the USB connector...
It just says CHG over the battery. I built a sled out of 8AAs and then to a
7805 regulator and caps... I figure that way even if the batterys get to .7v
there still should be +5v to power the unit. Using 2400ma rechargables this
should buy you 9 or 10 hours. Go register at and read thru
the forums. Its all you want to know about this unit.
-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Klas Strandberg
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 4:03 PM
Subject: [Nature Recordists] Telinga test 1: The Microtrack 24/96
The PRO6 handle works just fine, with another cable than the XLR's. With
full gain and the extra 27db boost, you get well enough signal under
"normal" distances. (The bird close enough to give a good recording).
The PRO5W works into the mini-jack connection, but I cannot say (yet) if
the gain is sufficient. Hopefully I will have a bunch of Wagtails (?) here
tomorrow. Then I will know better.
The gear is really nice to hold and maneuver, but I can just barely accept:
1/ The firmware load takes about 15 seconds. I mean, you really try to
switch it off after every recording to save batteries, but then you have to
wait those seconds while restarting again. I know for sure that such a
waiting can be very stressing!
2/ There is no "stand by" listening. You can only monitor the signal while
recording. Then delete the recording. As far as I understand it, this means
a terrible waist of battery for nothing.
3/ I have still not found out from the web how to deal with this gear when
the battery is empty out there, in the bush. Is it possible to drive it
from an external battery via the USB??
Can anyone figure out?
At 03:06 2005-10-27, you wrote:
>Thank you Klas. I recently purchased the "MT" recorder but due to family
>matters I have not been able to check out the thing properly. I appreciate
>your feedback, as usual. I anticipate your evaluation of this 'budget
>priced' recorder. I am especially interested in whether or not you think a
>pre should be used with the MT to increase gain. I have a feeling the
>recording levels, even with the Telinga dish, are a bit low.
>Your evaluation will be very interesting. Keep up your good work.