Glad it is not seen as a diversion from list topics! And now you know
why I call my business Intuitive Audio...
Lou Judson =95 Intuitive Audio
On Oct 20, 2005, at 8:04 PM, Mark R. wrote:
> Hi Lou,
> I can relate to how you put seeing the sound. It reminds me of
> something
> that the great recorder of nature ;^) Jimi Hendrix once said, that he
> could
> see sound as colors. That ability to see into the space is something I
> like
> to call getting snake eyed. If you squint your eyes a little and
> squeeze
> your thoughts not only to the subject, but all around, you can enter
> into a
> kind of intuition. I think this intuition is the most important tool
> that we
> have. Many times I have second guessed myself into unsatisfactory
> recordings, although when I am able to feel my way into my subject, it
> never
> fails to work. I agree that what is true for nature recording may also
> true
> with instrumental recording. I believe it is a disciplined informed
> awareness and empathy with the subject that brings out the subtle
> vibrations
> of a great recording.
> Great Topic!
> Best,
> Mark R.