A few quick thoughts on the new D1, based on viewing print materials:
1) The mics are not strictly in XY coincident orientation...their capsules =
not occupy the same point in horizontal space. This is sort of
"near-coincident". I would refer them to Rode if they want to build XY int=
o a single body.
2) For nature recording, at max amplification, you're going to get a lot of=
handling noise with this rig, in part because it's not ergonomically design=
for the hand, and there's no obvious way to shockmount it in a grip or atta=
it to a stand.
3) For broadcast reporting, there is no mike pointing forward to do an
interview with...if you aim the unit at an interviewee, both capsules will =
pick that
person up off-axis. If they're shooting for an interview recorder, MS would=
have been a better choice than XY.
4) I think this is a very strange box to be waving in someone's face. HHB'=
Flashmic is a much better concept for interview recording.