It's good to know it's a chipmunk. I really thought it
was a bird, a Cal towhee. Good to know.
See you
Antonio Celis
--- Lou Judson <> escribi=F3:
Nice guess - it is indeed a chipmunk, one who doesn't
like nature
recordists! See my other post from this morning when
Su guessed it...
Though she had met this partocular critter.
On Sep 4, 2005, at 3:51 PM, Martyn Stewart wrote:
> Sounds like a Douglas squirrel or a chipmunk?
> Next guess would be a Wilson's warbler but I do not
know if the
> Redwoods
> would be a suitable place?
> Martyn
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Antonio Celis Murillo
Center for Conservation Biology
University of California Riverside
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