AWW! You've met him! I was hoping to see if anyone who has not met him
could ID it. Fun game...
Do you use the furry windscreens from Dan? At the end of this
recording, where I had my recording vest draped over a stump so I
wouldn't make distracting sounds on the recording, the aggressive
little fella finally screwed up his courage and ran up and attacked the
furry lumps on the shoulders! Hit and bit and ran away lickety split.
Wish I had a picture of it...
Every whistle was accompanied by a fierce sideways twitch of his (its?
Don't mean to be a chipmunk chauvanist!) tail, then a freeze. I was
unsure if it was going to lauch itself at me from its perch ten fet
away. Not that I'm afraid of a chipmunk but didn't want to get bit by
those sharp little teeth! There was a cipmunk friend who went up to it
and looked puzzled at the display and wandered away.
Quite the wilderness experience. It's been fun playing this guessing
Lou Judson =95 Intuitive Audio
On Sep 4, 2005, at 7:36 AM, su anderson wrote:
> I know that little fellow. Its the little chipmunk (townsends or
> merriam) that doesn't like us recording in curly bark classroom at
> Muir Woods.
> su anderson