I am getting ready to oder a recorder -- I am on the fence. I have
checked the specs and there are arguments for each of these machines
in termss of weight recoding options, and recording quality. Birds,
ambient sounds, ethnographic sounds (people doing what they do), and
other field recodings are my interests.
The 722 is new enought it seems there are no reviews I can find. The
671 is about the same, but the Oade Brothers are making some mods to
the preamps that might make this a good enough option.
I am leaning toward the SD 722 because it seems rugged, not too heavy
or bulky to carry, and early reports I have read/heard indicate it
would work for me. But, that 1k difference tempts me to get the
Marantz and invest in some new mics.
Any thoughts on the 722 vs the 671?