Part two question on windshielding... :)
For anyone who has or has used Senneheiser's suspension/windshield system
(MZS20 + basket...), I gather that the blimp comes in two parts -- a rear
end cap and the long basket (the size of which varies by model)...
I have a key question for my diabolical plan -- does the endcap *have* to
be attached for the system to stay locked together? Or is it designed (as
I would hope) to be unscrewed so you can access the mic in the basket
without the whole assembly coming undone?
I'm hoping that you can remove the endcap at will during use with the rest
of the assembly staying locked -- so I can do this:
Why you might ask...?
To mount two side-addressing mics in vertical M/S or Blumlein each in
their own basket -- the elements would be at the join end though back far
enough to not be occluded by the join (not at the end as you would
normally expect...) The pistols will be of course mounted to a boom or
tripod on a bar.
I photoshopped this up and am having a hard time getting a definitive
answer on whether this is workable! (I know I'll have to figure a way to
keep them joined... but that should be relatively easy...)
Crazy? I prefer the term "out of the box"... ;)
| quod omne animal post |
| cogitum est triste... |