rl-type call.
--- In "John Hartog"
<> wrote:
> Thanks Rip.=20
> After listining to the owls on the Peterson Western Bird Songs
> CD, I had pretty much narowed it down to either the Barred Owl
> or the Spotted Owl. On the CD the Barred Owl has a "twirl" to its
> call but not the spotted. Martyn sounded pretty confident about it
> being a Barred Owl, but from yours and John's comments my
> recording did not give enough to make a positive identification. I
> will describe it more in my next post.
> John hartog
I have checked my collection of MN Barred Owl trills. Here in MN I
have only found trills on the end of the call and not the beginning.
Linked is a few examples I found in haste. But as can also be heard
when they get going they can sound strange and do whatever they want
with their voice.
small <200kb download as owls can be mp3 compressed a lot without
serious damage.
I like owls a lot and will briefly brag that I did after four months
trying, record with Mark's help,(of this list) screams and tremellos
from both sexes of Northern Hawk Owl last week.
Now point me toward a Short-eared Owl nest please.