"digidandy" wrote:
>> Thank you for sharing this, sir! I just picked up a Sony MZ-NHF800,
>> and am slowly getting familiar with it. I have a G3 iBook with OS X
>> 10.3.8 and 640MB RAM. I guess I need to get VPC...
> Please be warned that running SonicStage, and even Virtual PC itself,
> on a G3 iBook can push the limits of this emulation technology.
> Even on my Dual G5 2GHz things are going slow, so what happens on a
> processor which is two generations back the line from mine...I doubt
> it'll work, I'm afraid.
> =D8.
Good point. And I'm not sure I want to spend $$$ that way anyhow. The
price of VPC could nearly buy second Hi-MD recorder, which I would
probably value more. Maybe something useful will come of Apple and Sony
supposedly making nice. Until then, it will probably be Hi-MD Line Out
> Waves L2 (hardware box) > ProTools. Not exactly ideal, but reasonable
enough for my purposes.
Curt Olson