Hi, my name's Dave. Been lurking for a while, thought it was about time I
emerged and plunged in.
What I do.
Firstly, a confession. I'm not a nature recordist. Well, ok, maybe I am a
little but not in the way that most of you are. I record different
environmental ambiences and specific sounds mainly for use in my own music
compositions, sometimes called 'musique concrete' or 'acousmatics'. Started
exploring this musical area mainly because it is far richer richer sonically
than any software plug-in synthesiser!
What I do it with.
At the moment I'm using a 10 year old Sony TCD-D7 DAT with a dodgy mic-pre
and a plastic DIY clamp attached to it to keep the door from springing open
(glamourous huh...) and a wonderful bargain Sony C-74 shotgun mic with
zeppelin, grips, case, etc - thank you ebay! Editing is done on a Mac Powerbook
in TC Works Spark ME before transferring into
Reason/Cubase/Tracktion/Sonasphere via Motu 828 for composition.
Why I do it.
Well, 3 years ago, after completing university, I got ill with Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Post-Viral Fatique Syndrome
(take your pick, the medics don't really know what to call it!) thus I suddenly
found myself with a lot of time on my hands and not much energy (often no
energy), certainly not enough energy to make music as I was before, so I
listened to the world go by.....and liked what I heard. Thus listening to the
world has kind of become an ingrained...not exactly habit....response to life?
If that sounds almost like a spiritual thing then that's ok.
A few Q's.
Anyone know anything about the Sony C-74? It's new to me and I want to get
the best from it, tips/advice would be very welcome! If anyone has an
instuction manual they'd like to share I'll
If I wanted to get a ms setup together with the C-74, what would be a good
fig 8 partner for it? Sadly I don't have the resources for a lovely Sennheiser
at this time.
I'm gonna be retiring the Sony D7 DAT in the next year. The age of the
1/8" mini-jack is nearly over! The nearest thing to my needs on the market is
the forthcoming Marantz PMD-660, but the really low quality of their mic-pre's
leaves me cold, I guess coming from a music background I'm fussy about these
things. Would I really have to stretch to a Sound Devices 722 for decent mic
pre's? (Gulp!) I think I read a post about someone who did customisation of
Marantz PMD-670 mic pre's. Is he still doing it? Should I just use external
mic-pre's/powering and forget trying to do it all-in-one?
Thank you everyone for everything you've already taught me, and looking forward
to much more.
Many thanks,
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