It's a whimpy winter here in Minnesota so far, but lake ice is forming
nonetheless. This season I'd to capture some of the groaning, crackling
sounds I have have heard out on the ice. Since I'm primarily an audio
engineer and not a naturalist, I'm hoping one or more of you here might
help me avoid many fruitless hours in the cold by suggesting the best
conditions to go after:
Lake size -- large or small? Best ice thickness? More snow cover or
less? Early in season or late? Best water depth and recording position
relative to underwater structures and shoreline? Best temperature,
barometric pressure and other weather conditions? Effects of day/night
cycles? Vehicle traffic on ice? Other questions I should be asking
here, but I'm just too clueless to even think of?
Also, any recommendations for the best mic array and placement achieve
an interesting stereo/binaural recording?
Thank you in advance!
Curt Olson