I understand that the Edirol, useful as it may be, does not have an
optical input, and therefore limits its usefulness with mic preams
that also work as A/D-converters as more noise is added with a
further A/D-D/A conversion, for I do assume that they still may be
interconnected through analog wiring?
Still being a newbie in the extensive world or recording equipment,
what is the advantage of adding a dedicated mic preamp to a
recording lineup? Does it make it possible to further amplify the
mic signal without amplifying noise to the same extent as a mic
signal amplified in the simpler circuitry of a recording device mic
Of course, it adds phantom power, which increases the options of
possible mics one may choose from since very few come with battery-
powered options. Still, is a battery-driven mic still better off
with 48V of phantom power rather than the 9V battery?
Mic preamps go as high as several thousand dollars, but will one
costing around $50 also be better than none?
How good is the selection of battery driven mic preamps for field
work? I've hardly seen any that don't seem to require plug-in power
Hakon Soreide