Welcome Don.
I am surprised that you retired. Your presentation is so strong you
could go on the speaking circuit for ever if you wanted.
I hope you are still chasing birds in your retirement and just gave
up the U.
off topic:
On a neat bird behavior note. My pet rescue bird can distinguish and
follow items on the computer screen. I assumed that the bird only
saw a flashing light and was wrong. Looks like visual refresh is
similar to ours which leads me to believe auditory recog is simalar
as well.
Rich Peet
--- In Doug Von Gausig <>
> Hi all,
> Our group has just gained a valuable new member in Don Kroodsma.
> Don recently retired from the UMass Biology Department, where he
> avian communication. His books include
> "<http://www.naturesound.com/kroods/kroods.html>Surfing the Dawn",
> inspired a project by the Nature Recordists group to record the
dawn chorus
> from around the world a few years back.
> Other books by Don include
> <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-
> and Evolution of Acoustic Communication in Birds ,
> <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-
> Communication in Birds and many others, and he has contributed to
> imaginable publication on bird bioacoustics and communication.
> Welcome, Don, we are proud to have you amongst us, and I know we
all look
> forward to absorbing a tiny bit of what you know!
> Doug
> Doug Von Gausig
> Clarkdale, Arizona, USA
> Moderator
> Nature Recordists e-mail group
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naturerecordists
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]