--- jessehammons <> wrote:
> My question: what are the disadvantages of filtering out unwanted
> bass
> frequencies in post-production? (err, post field recording) I would
> prefer to do this in post, because if I filter them out, I won't be
> able to play them on my friend's Udder Thump 2000:
> http://ontology.com/canton/projects/udderthump2000/index.html
> Now wouldn't that be a shame?
> Seriously, do low frequency sounds somehow introduce noise or other
> problems into the recording chain?
> Thanks,
> -Jesse
The only drawback to post production filtering of low freq sounds would
be if the low sounds caused the recording to be overdriven (distort the
preamp, or A/D, or analog media), or if the low sounds were so lound
compared to the hi freq sounds that you recored way too low.
I prefer post production filtering myself. You can't undo recorded
filters post production.
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