If it's any consolation, the last batch of recordings you sent me sounded
very good. And better because they were not filtered. Maybe some of the
'noise' you are seeing is actually natural environmental sound?
Vicki Powys
on 25/11/03 10:42 AM, Stuart Fairbairn at wrote:
> Being well past the use by date for humans my hearing cuts off at about
> 5500Hz. I often receive comment that some of my recordings have hiss. With my
> built in hiss filter I don't hear it. I'm using ME66 or ME 63 mics, XLR
> connectors to an MDP500 set at 5 on the recording level. The tracks are
> transferred to a PC with a Sound Blaster card and are edited when necessary
> with Cool Edit pro using the graphic equaliser and then burned to a CD. I have
> Spectrogram 8 but when I set it to - 90db there is considerable noise over
> most of the audio spectrum. At - 60db most of the noise does not show.
> Any help in detecting the origin of the hiss would be appreciated.
> Stuart Fairbairn.