Jim Morgan wrote:
> I get these things several times a week in various formats.
> Interesting how some people amuse themselves.
What's really annoying is how many ways they can be easily cut off. Few
of which are the end target.
I had a PC spoofing my email address late last fall. I knew exactly when
that person used their dial up connection and just how long they were
on. All the bounced mail came to me, at the rate of 1-2 per minute. I
tracked down exactly which server and it's exact location that the
person used. I contacted their ISP with all the info several times, but
they were not even interested in sending the person a notice. Because of
the way spoofing works I had no valid email for that person. It went on
for a month I know of, I finally set up a filter that looked for
anything from that port of that server.
And a good percentage of the bounced messages indicated that some ISP
was running all email traffic through a virus checker to protect his
users. If all did that it would die quickly.
There is, of course, no hope MS will ever fix windows.
songbird may also have a perfectly clean PC, or even be a mac user as I
am. And then suffer through all the embarrassment as their email address
is spoofed thousands if not millions of times sending a virus.
BTW, we registered our phone number for the "no call" list. It's really
nice how few telemarketers call now. Time to do that for email.