Thanks Dominique,
Yes indeed, Autumn is getting really close now (some people already
report thin frost in some areas in the morning), and with it everything
sounds quite different. Crows (Corvus corone) are present in great
numbers around Brussels. Unfortunately, some Brussels inhabitants are
already complaining about them and asking for measures to be taken that
would reduce their population (?!)
Happy to have been able to bring some memories to the "other side" of
the planet through a few recordings...
-----Original Message-----
From: Saint Exupery
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 12:46 AM
Subject: RE: [Nature Recordists] A few Automn recordings...
Ah ! Ca sent bon la foret d'autonome avec ses champignons, ses feuilles
mortes et ses grosses mousses vertes !
Quand j'=E9coute vos enregistrements, j'ai vraiment la sensation d'y =EAtre
il me semble pouvoir sentir toutes ces odeurs...
Et les corvid=E9s en fond qui annoncent dej=E0 l'hiver.... C'est un vrai
bonheur d'=E9couter vos enregistrements de l'autre cote de
la plan=E8te !
Vivement les enregistrements d'hiver, cordialement Dominique Filippi
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