hi there everyone,
I have a standard, old, Sony TCM-5000 that I use for recording and
playback experiments. It's just developed a problem upon which I
hope some of you veterans will be able to shed some light.
It's real simple- when I press 'play' (or anything that requires
motor power- FF, etc.), the machine functions perfectly normally for
exactly 15 seconds, whereupon the motor just stops. If I then
press 'stop' and then 'play' immediately, the motor will run again
for exactly 15 seconds. There is still power getting to the speaker
after the motor stops(it still hisses lightly).
I have a set of 5 defunct TCM-5000's for parts, so if I can identify
a faulty part, then I hope to be able to fix the problem. Any
suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
Randy Moore