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Peregrine Falcon Webcam

Subject: Peregrine Falcon Webcam
From: Syd Curtis <>
Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2003 09:31:03 +1000

No sound I think, but naturerecordists may be interested to know that The
Courier-Mail (daily newspaper in Brisbane, Australia) has installed a camer=
focussed on a Peregrine Falcons' nest.

"Rooftop romance screens on the Web", is the headline in today's The

Early this morning The Courier-Mail launched the FrodoCam website:

"Frodo" being the name given to the male Peregrine Falcon by the Queensland
Environment Minister, Dean Wells, after the Lord of the Rings character of
that name.

The pair of Falcons have nested on the roof of the Admiralty Towers One
building in Brisbane, and the camera has infra-red capacity to provide
24-hour coverage of the nest.  One egg was laid on Monday, and "has quickly
been followed by two more."

The Courier-Mail says that Peregrine Falcon chicks generally hatch after a
month-long incubation.

Meanwhile suggestions are invited for a name for Mrs Frodo.

As of a few minutes ago, I checked the Website.  A nice story, but not much
action yet as far as I could see.  (But I'm a very inexpert Web surfer.)

Syd Curtis


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