At 05:02 PM 7/1/2003 -0700, Martyn wrote:
>I agree, the sounds are alike and I like a good constructive argument.
>Not all Cerulean recordings are the same (not in my book anyway) I have
>recordings that certainly don't end in a zhreeeeeeee and some that do!
>Now just because there are more of one and less of another doesn't sway
>my vote either! And getting all this from a 1 second sound byte
>certainly makes me think there is room for error too. I have recorded
>Blackburnians that I had thought were Yellow-rumped and have been in the
>same situation like you, seeing the bird in the flesh!
>I still go with Doug with his analysis on the strength of what I have
>that sways me to the Blackburnian.
Why does everyone avoid numbers? My joke for forty years has always been
that people with inclinations toward science who are bad with math (and
hence PHysics and Chrmistry) become biologists. Now you all are making my
nightmare come true. It was only a joke, albeit an offensive one!
All I ask for is a visually-confirmed male Blackburnian recording with
major starting level pitch less than 5 kHz, like this recording!
Since I lost my high hearing to asprin overuse in the 1970's I have never
HEARD a single blackburnian, but I can sure hear this one (Greg's unknowns
1 and 2.)
>Incidentally, I have 4 recordings that I would like both of you
>disbelievers to identify, I know the answers but I want you to show me
>what you know and Marty, they are not Rails!
THAT railing was below the proverbial belt, indeed, but I otter shut up.
I have tried clicking on the four warbler tabs four times with different
net connections. The first tab produces this URL:
and I get the infamous "no such URL" note every time. What am I doing
wrong?? I want to hear and see the files . . .
>My very best regards also
> Martyn
No, MY best regards,
Marty Michener
MIST Software Associates PO Box 269, Hollis, NH 03049 - Software that migrates with you.
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