Hello all.
Re types of mic noise:
Mic or pre amp noise that is a smooth hiss is clearly desirable, and maybe
this has also already been said. Transistors in general and op-amps in
particular are likely to produce what I think is called "shot noise", as if
shot are dropped onto a surface. This causes the sputtering and is
particularly irritating to listen to, like an acoustical version of the
water drop treatment. Pre amps that use FET's usually produce more of a
smooth hiss, if memory serves me, (more like a resistive gate than a
hole-injection process?).
my best regards,
Marty Michener
MIST Software Associates
PO Box 269, Hollis, NH 03049
PS: As a personal note to my many friends: I have turned several corners of
life, since last posting, which leaves me little time. Since my 401 K has
now fallen below embarrassing levels, and my EnjoyBirds is not selling
well, I have gone back to work - physical work as a landscape technician,
shovelling dirt and planting woody species and other perennials mostly in
Massachusetts, and also as a web architect, learning the latest HTML. Both
jobs are working for my daughter: www.cmclandscapes.com I am also
rehearsing evenings for my first in-my-life play (at 63 yrs) and hope to
appear in the ensemble of "Fiddler" in Nashua, NH in July, if I can ever
learn the choreography. ;^)
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