My Grandfather used to say, "liars, damn liars, and statititions" I
think he was probably on to something.
Walter Knapp wrote:
>evertveldhuis wrote:
>>--- In Wild Sanctuary <> wrot=
>>>The following came across my email desk this AM and I thought it
>>>might be of interest to some of the group.
>>>I have no opinion on this since I am not up to date on the
>>>publications but some of you may find it of note.
>>>Bernie Krause
>>><CUT by Evert>
>>Thanks, this info is very interesting to me; I've always thought
>>about the negative influences of GSM. Never heard of any hard proof,
>What I'm reading in this is not hard proof. It does appear to be
>correlation, though no proper statistical measures were quoted. The
>problem is that most jump to correlation being cause far too easily,
>it's neither cause or proof. There are a wide variety of factors that
>can be different in the same environment. Maybe the density of cellular
>towers is just a indicator of the density of human population, or
>thermal profiles, or food and water sources, and so on.
>Think of correlation as being a way of sorting out what you should study
>next. But, in this case I'd not focus on just this correlation. A lot
>more checks of other factors need to be done.
>Statistics is a tricky subject, much misunderstood. It's very easy to
>jump to the wrong conclusion if you don't fully understand what they
>say. I've long advocated statistics being a manditory course for
>everyone, considering the amount of error it's generating.
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