Rich Peet wrote:
> I have been there. I agree that there are some wonderful recording
> areas there. Although I would also suggest Itasca State Park in MN
> which is the headwaters of the Mississippi River and also has a
> University field school, as an alternative site.
> I can not say that the Loggers have a clue in Yuba Pass and they are
> getting away with murder in a state where they can. They are way to
> heavy handed and the skidder drivers I can not believe even have a
> drivers license.
Down here all those ruts and tearup they make fill with water, well
sometimes. And the frogs love that. Some frogs are expanding their range
through those puddles. And often the water is used by other wildlife as
And one of the brush piles they leave can be habitat for all kinds of
things. Lots of small mammals, which means birds of prey, and snakes.
They are good overwintering habitat for snakes.
I'm not saying I approve, I don't approve of a lot of it. But, it's not
necessarily the doom it's sometimes portrayed.
They don't have a clue here either, and some of what they are doing is
damaging long term. Though here we have little in the way of climax
forest to protect.
Many equate visual blight with problems. It's really a separate issue.