Reginald E. David wrote:
> Aloha Chatters:
> What is the currently preferred sound importing and editing software for
> the Mac? Is it system 10 compatible? Thanks in advance.
My suggestion for importing and routine editing is Bias' Peak. They have
moved into OS 10. Both OS 9 & 10 versions.
For filtering and sonograms my preferred software is TCWorks' Spark XL.
They too have moved into OS 10. Spark XL can do routine importing and
editing, but is much more awkward for that than Peak. It's more focused
on the mastering end.
I have tested the OS 10 versions of both of the above in a dual
processor G4, and they are fine. My G4 I'm still running 9.2.2.
For sonograms on the cheap, and some filtering, Soundhack, which is
shareware is probably the best. Again OS 10 version available. He's more
or less abandoned OS 9 versions. It does beautiful sonograms, but
awkward to get them.