on 5/10/02 3:19 PM, Walter Knapp at wrote:
> I got a note today that someone could not get to my pages.
I can now access your pages just fine with the new address. The photos are
great, and for me every picture speaks a thousand words. Your various
set-ups are quite works of art, great to look at even if I don't manage to
build one myself. I'm intrigued by those boot-laces for the M-S set-up.
Are they designed to deaden wind blast on the mic cables? I'll be
interested to hear a SASS recording when you've field tested your creation.
Vicki Powys
> If you have bookmarked any of my pages or individual stuff with
> frog_recordist in the link, remove the underscore to make the new name
> and it should work. My future links will go there. Here's the new links
> to the recent stuff I mentioned:
> Quick Parabolic
> http://frogrecordist.home.mindspring.com/docs/quickparabolic.html
> MKH-30/60 MS setup
> http://frogrecordist.home.mindspring.com/docs/ms_mkh30+60.html
> SASS MKH110 modification
> http://frogrecordist.home.mindspring.com/docs/sass_mkh110.html
> Two sketches of original SASS
> http://frogrecordist.home.mindspring.com/naturerecordists/SASS-P-1s.jpg
> http://frogrecordist.home.mindspring.com/naturerecordists/SASS-P-2s.jpg
> Sono's connected with Cornell's ATRAC error
> http://frogrecordist.home.mindspring.com/naturerecordists/Clip_6.5_7.5.jpg
> http://frogrecordist.home.mindspring.com/naturerecordists/MD_6.5_7.5.jpg
> If anything fails, let me know. I left up the old part for now, but will
> eventually remove it. My main frogsite was not hit, but I updated the
> links in the info page there to go to the new mic addresses.
> Now I think it's time to write a nice note to the standards folks, do it
> legal, no spaces. Seehowtheyliketryingtoreadandfigureoutjustwhatwesaid.
> Dummies!
> Walt