At 08:32 AM 9/9/02 -0700, you wrote:
>I got word back in March that there is a team of two fellas at Oxford
>or Cambridge in the UK who have developed reasonable match-to-sample
>software but have been unable to track them down. Anyone know who
>that might be?
> > wrote:
> >
> >> This is an over simplified view of the process. The day when one can
> point a
> >> microphone at a vocalizing bird and get a digital readout
> >>identifying it will
> >> never be a practical reality in my opinion.
> >> John Arvin
> >
> >I doubt that will keep folks from trying. It's definitely a challenge.
> >
The trouble with any sample matching is pitch shifts and big-time timing
imprecision. The animal sound recognition seems to work more like a
loosely-specified phase-locked loop - it looks - correction, - it listens
for frequencies in certain ranges, locks to them, checks whether they go up
or down, start or stop, within broad guidelines, then decides. since 1967,
I have thought a hard-wired multiple PLL box for each species would work
much better than a digital approach, but who cares, I haven't built one yet.
But I agree with John Arvin. Back when the Pentium first hit the streets,
a fellow (?) from Hydro-Quebec claimed to me they and Cornell Bioacoustics
people had a Pentium box "and a lot of truck batteries" out in the woods,
censusing birds by sound as to species, location, date and time. I asked
for details and things got very vague from that point on.
I am not holding my breath.
In designing EnjoyBirds, I deliberately stayed away from "computer ID"
directions, and made it to be a teaching, planning, learning tool to help
PEOPLE become better birders. Who wants the computer to have all the fun,
Marty Michener
MIST Software Associates
PO Box 269, Hollis, NH 03049
coming soon : EnjoyBirds - software that migrates with you.