No. It was actually Cambridge or Oxford in the UK, Walt. I'll try to
trace it down for us when I get a moment.
>Wild Sanctuary wrote:
>> I got word back in March that there is a team of two fellas at Oxford
>> or Cambridge in the UK who have developed reasonable match-to-sample
>> software but have been unable to track them down. Anyone know who
>> that might be?
>Well, it's from Australia, and it was about frogcall ID, but does this
>sound like it?
>This is the most hopeful thing I've seen, I've been meaning to follow up
>on it and see how it would do on Georgia's frogs. With today's faster
>computers it might be pretty good as it could make finer discriminations.
> I saw a report by someone who had used the system to evaluate if ATRAC
>was going to mess it up. No problem with ATRAC recorded material, I'd
>have been surprised if there was. It did sound like this was having a
>fairly high success rate ID'ing between a choice of 22 frogs. It has to
>be trained to the calls you want it to work with so it's probably going
>to be something that would have to be trained to a local population.
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