Aaron Ximm wrote:
> Hi John,
> I used CoolEdit briefly a few years ago, but I'm not up to speed (haven't
> used!) the current versions -- I think Walter Knapp is a big proponent
> though, I'm sure he'll chime in to recap some favorite features...
Wonder where that came from. My two main audio programs are Peak and
Spark XL. Which is a hint, I use macs, not PC's. I do often point out to
people that CoolEdit seems to be commonly used in the PC environment. I
don't have Cooledit, though it would probably run in Virtual PC on the mac.
> Samplitude is geared to be a full audio editing/mastering/production
> environment -- it's used by a lot of people to do real-time multitrack
> recording and editing. The users' groupd at alt.sekd is a fantastic
> resource -- David Lewiston is the most prominent field recordists I know
> who uses the program.
I've found that for nature recording that multitrack emphasis seems to
just get in the way. I prefer programs that do mono and stereo well. Of
the two programs I use, Spark XL is much more capable for filtering and
such like. And Peak is one heck of a lot easier to use for the mundane
tasks of bringing in recordings and doing the initial trimming and
editing. Samplitude sounds to be more in the line of Spark XL.