Marty Michener wrote:
> I have used NiCd since 1962 and am familiar with their tricks, so I alway=
> leave them shorted with a 100 ohm resistor in storage then fully rapidly
> charge them before a field session. But the NiMH were supposed to be so
> much better . . .
I make extensive use of AA rechargables with my night recording work on
frogs. I have found the NiMH to be more reliable than NiCd, they hold a
much greater charge, and will self discharge at a lower rate. In my
working set of batteries my experience has been that the NiCd's needed
recharge every few weeks, but NiMH will hold most of their charge for a
few months. I do use a intelligent charger for both, the Maha C204F's I
use have a discharge cycle to restore NiCd's. These come with a wall
wort power supply, and there is a optional car cord. That helps a lot
with them as far as extending their life and keeping them at full
capacity, but not much with the NiMH. I'm replacing my NiCd's with NiMH
as they fail. The latest NiMH are up to 1800 mah for AA's.
I keep my AA's (except for the two Portadisc pacs) in groups of 4 in
small ziplocks with a charge date on a small slip in each ziplock.