After extensive looking, I've been using two pieces of software for
sonograms. Both do color sonograms.
First is the shareware program SoundHack.
This does beautiful sonograms, but the author put them in more as
entertainment, so it's a little tricky getting them. You have very
limited control over scaling. All the sonograms on my frog pages were
done with this.
The second program is commercial, and expensive, and only fairly
recently available. This is SparkXL 2.0 from:
This is a very capable sonogram display built into it's filter stack.
Many settings available to tune the sonogram. Runs sonograms in realtime
as the sound is playing. While much easier to set up and do, you still
have to do a screendump to put the sonogram into a graphics file.
Barb Beck wrote:
> Sonogram softwareHi,
> Can any or you Mac users help these people?
> I am hopelessly caught in Billy's evil empire and cannot offer any advice.
> Barb Beck
> Edmonton
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Elliott
> Sent: March 23, 2002 11:59 AM
> To:
> Subject: Sonogram software
> Dear Dr. Barbara Beck,
> Jim Bendell, retired from the University of Toronto, and I are working on a
> monograph on blue grouse. I am writing to see if you can give us some
> information about computer software for making sonograms of some of the
> vocalizations of this species. Jim Rising of the University of Toronto
> informed me that you are working with bird song and might be able to suggest
> suitable software. I work with a Macintosh and would need something
> compatible with it, the simpler the better. Can you suggest software that
> might be suitable? Any information you can give me, including prices and
> ordering information, will be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately, I do not
> have e-mail but you can contact me through Peter Elliott who is sending this
> letter.
> Sincerely yours,
> Fred C. Zwickel
> Professor Emeritus
> Department of Zoology
> University of Alberta
> Box 81
> Manson's Landing, B.C.
> Canada V0P 1K0
> (604) 935-6478
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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