
A great Canberra Birds quiz night on the 15th - thank you Mark

To: Mark Clayton <>, Canberra birds <>
Subject: A great Canberra Birds quiz night on the 15th - thank you Mark
From: Kim Farley via Canberrabirds <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 08:24:11 +0000
Dear Mark
Thank you for organising and running a very successful quiz night on Wednesday evening. Great fun was had by all, despite or perhaps because there were some very hard questions!  Our table certainly didn't know that Gene Cernan was an astronaut who hit a golf ball on the moon in 1972. But we came up with some very imaginative species names for the Bird of Paradise on the PNG flag - with none of our answers even close. 
And for those who couldn't make it last night, the word is that Mark will run the quiz again in January 2026. 

Canberra Birds/COG

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