
Your Canberra Bird Notes: First call for contributions to the July issue

To: chatline <>
Subject: Your Canberra Bird Notes: First call for contributions to the July issue of 2025
From: Michael Lenz via Canberrabirds <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 07:47:27 +0000

Dear all,


This is the first call for contributions for the first (July) general issue of Canberra Bird Notes, volume 50 (!!!) 2025.

Major articles based on your observations and field work, observations of interesting or unusual sightings, notable bird behaviour, breeding behaviourreviews and analysis of long term records for specific species  (as for example held in ebird and/or the COG database), the bird faunas of your favourite birdwatching site(s) etc., book reviews and topics of wider interest for discussion are all welcome.


Your contributions would be required no later than 6 June  2025! 

(However, if you plan to write a contribution, it would be appreciated if you could let me know well in advance. Thanks!)


Please submit contributions by email to: 



You can also contact me by phone on 6249 1109 to discuss any queries you may have regarding a potential contribution to CBN.


Michael Lenz

Editor of Canberra Bird Notes

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  • Your Canberra Bird Notes: First call for contributions to the July issue of 2025, Michael Lenz via Canberrabirds <=

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