
Forest Kingfisher

To: COG chatline <>
Subject: Forest Kingfisher
From: Christine via Canberrabirds <>
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2024 22:08:12 +0000
Hi all,

yesterday I was birding along a trail off Corin Road, and I came across this bird which I believe to be a Forest Kingfisher. Unfortunately I was looking directly into the sun, so the pics I got are not fantastic, but I think they show the features for id.
Anyway, I realised that this sighting has now been posted on eBird and Facebook, but not everyone on the chatline uses those, so thought I should post here in case anyone is interested ;)

I will attach a couple of photos - hopefully this will not make it over the limit,
.... It appears that the original email did not succeed, so I have saved pics in Paint to make smaller, so hopefully this time this email will succeed.
Also, an update. The bird is still present, and has been seen by a couple of birders this morning. The trail starts about 1km along Corin Road.



Description: ForestKf2.jpg


Description: ForestKf1.jpg

Attachment: ATT00001.txt
Description: ATT00001.txt

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  • Forest Kingfisher, Christine via Canberrabirds <=

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