
NSW and ACT Twitchathon 2024

To: canberrabirds <>
Subject: NSW and ACT Twitchathon 2024
From: jbbounds--- via Canberrabirds <>
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2024 04:15:15 +0000

If anyone is interested in participating in the annual Twitchathon (26/27 October), check out the link below



From: <>
Sent: Saturday, 12 October 2024 12:54 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: NSW and ACT Twitchathon 2024


Dear BIGnet Members


Please can you circulate information below about the 2024 Twitchathon to your members. Further information can be found at This year we have a new website developed using funds provided by BIGnet. Registration of teams can be made through this website. As in previous years, there will be 30-hour and 8-hour Twitchathons and the 3-hour Birdathon. Please contact me if you would like further information.


The 2024 NSW and ACT Twitchathon will take place on Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 October 2024. This year the money raised by the Twitchathon participants will go to Dr Catherine Price for her work on developing techniques to protect shorebirds as shown in the excerpt below:-


“The money raised from this year’s Twitchathon will help develop new techniques to protect nesting shorebirds. It will directly support research investigating how predators might find nesting colonies using the sounds of calling adults and chicks. And then whether sound (as well as smell) makes chicks vulnerable. Crucially, this information and the technology developed to test these questions, will underpin new approaches for protecting our shorebirds from a range of predators wherever they nest.”


With best wishes

Elisabeth Hodson for the Organisers of the 2024 Twitchathon.



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