
White-winged Chough

To: Canberra birds <>
Subject: White-winged Chough
From: Coral Dow via Canberrabirds <>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2024 08:22:34 +0000
Over the last few years in my local area White-⁸winged Choughs have been more common in suburban Ainslie and Dickson (previously I've mainly seen them on Mt Ainslie). A group of about 10 I regularly see outside Emmaus school in Davenport st Dickson and I've even seen them scrounging rubbish at Dickson shops. On Wednesday 1 May found a dead banded bird outside Emmaus. ABBBS inform me: The band that you found was placed on a(n): White-winged Chough or scientific name: Corcorax melanorhamphos on: 17/05/2017 at: LYNEHAM AND DICKSON SUBURBS ACT Latitude: 35deg 15min 0sec S; Longitude: 149deg 7min 45sec E; The bird  was age code: FIFTH YEAR, sex code: UNKNOWN It was banded by: DR RG HEINSOHN The time between banding and recovery is 6 years 11 months 14 days. The bird had moved a distance of: 2 km with a bearing of 90 degrees. 

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  • White-winged Chough, Coral Dow via Canberrabirds <=

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